Dirty Shiny Pretty

Musings on Dirty Shiny Pretty Life

Oct 26, 2010

Mama's Got a Brand New Bag

Awhile ago ...love Maegan did a post about some awesome things she found at the leather store Tandy Leather Factory. Randomly I had spent some time searching, unsuccessfully, for leather at my local fabric and craft stores so I was really excited to learn that there was a Tandy's near me. I went right away and ended up buying some lovely black leather, metal studs, and handle hardware all with the idea of making a purse. Mind you I had never worked with leather before, never made a purse, and really hadn't sewn much in the last several years, but I was optimistic and high on the fumes of animal hides. Did I also mention I'm impatient? So instead of searching out a tutorial online I decided I would teach myself. I thought a bucket bag would be simplest and still stylish so I took a bowl, traced it onto the leather to form the bottom of the bag, and cut. There was no turning back. Several days and sore fingers later this is what I had.

Not too bad. My biggest regret was not having bought a larger piece of leather. Size really does fool you. I thought I bought a piece that would give me a small/medium size bag but this is definitely small, similar to evening bag size. In fact I ended up using it as a night bag when I went to a friend's bachelorette party in Vegas.

Taking my id out of my new bucket bag
all parties shall remain faceless to protect their identities ;)

Do you ever get optimistic and just start creating? If so I want to see! Leave your links in the comments. I check them all.

Oct 6, 2010

Don't Step on My Toes! A Shoe DIY

Which pair is mine ;)

I have a love for pyramid studs and spikes that borders on obsession. It probably is related to my love of Punk, but maybe not. I don't care, I just love that studs and spikes are currently covering all types of things, including some incredibly amazing shoes. Being bored one day I decided to create my own pair of spiked shoes at a small fraction of the price of the shoes I've been lusting after. My original idea was to cap the heel and toe in spikes, but since my spikes were so big I had to go for a really minimalistic look. If I get smaller spikes I will definitely try my original idea.

-1 pair cheap/old shoes you don't mind putting holes in
-flat top screw in spikes (Pay attention to the size you buy. I wish mine were smaller)
-leather punch/something that can cut through leather

1. Use a pen/marker to mark where you want your spikes to go on your heels. You probably want to use a measuring tape to measure spacing so you can easily make the shoes identical. Not doing this lead me to punching extra holes.

2. Use leather punch to create holes make sure you are making the holes as small as your screws or smaller. Large holes will lead to limp spikes :(

3. Screw in you spikes.
*Use spikes with screws like those pictured so they will lay flat on the inside of the shoe. If the screw heads still irritate your feet you can use fabric glue and a small piece of cloth/leather to line the part of the shoe were the heads are.

4. Enjoy!