Being unemployed I once again have a lot of free time, and while some people say this time should be used to apply to every possible job I can find, I disagree. Of course I spend some time each day searching/applying to jobs but I've done the gung ho all out affront on the job market and frankly it sucked. Now I break up my time, job search in the morning, free time in the afternoon, then playtime with my daughter after I pick her up from school. While I'm still stressed about finding a new direction in life the time balance really helps me feel a little more like I have a normal life and am not just a job searching zombie. Anyway, my free time often means craft time since I have a lot of craft/art/jewelry supplies lying around thus giving me the ability to be crafty and thrifty. Also, I find working on projects to be very therapeutic which is a big bonus right now. I'm not going to kid you or myself and say I'm some craft genius but I've been having fun with what I've been doing so I'm going to show you too, just promise not to laugh.
p.s. Ignore the dates on the photos. I had to reset my camera and it added a time stamp to my pics without my knowledge.
p.p.s The top image just involved a blank canvas, craft paint, a sharpie, and some imagination i.e. feathers and glitter for their hair.
Mirror I found a TJ Max Home Goods store for $20
It was black but I added some gold spray paint and ta-da super fancy.
I'm actually thinking of turning it into a table top just not 100% sure yet
I purchased this print at a Indie craft fair awhile ago
and didn't want to spend a bunch of money framing it
so I purchased a white $5 frame sprayed it bright pink
and glued on some jewelry findings to make it super girly for my daughter
close up
great find :)